Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Challenge from Quebec

After being in Quebec for the past week, I am still trying to put my finger on how this trip has affected me. Although I may not yet be able to express it, there definitely has been an impact.

I was truly challenged by the passion and zeal, which the French Canadian Christians exude concerning their faith. They seem to recognize and cherish the magnitude and wonder of the gift of salvation. As a second, third, fourth, or whatever, generation Christian, I feel I have become rather blasé about the whole thing. I don’t have that sense of excitement nor an urgency to share my faith with others like I did when it was new and fresh to me.

Let me draw a parallel to a familiar summer scene. When my friends come to enjoy a fire in my back yard, we are content to gather around, chatting amongst ourselves, taking pleasure in the ever-changing flicker of the flames. As the blaze dies down, rather than searching out new firewood, we delight in the glowing embers, and draw in closer, roasting marshmallows, drinking in the moment of peace. We enjoy it immensely, in our cozy little group.

As a Christian, I have the light of Jesus; the warmth of knowing God loves me. Do I want to share this with others? I say I do. I think I do. But all too often I am content to pull up close, enjoying the fire with my few friends and not even thinking of those who are beyond the circle of light.

By journeying to a different culture, Jesus has offered me a challenge. How will I live out my faith? Will I be content to continue on my selfish path of enjoying the benefits of being a Christian with those of like mind? Or will I make an effort to figure out how to share the benefits of life with Christ with those outside the inner circle of my comfort zone?


Unknown said...

Fantastic thoughts Helen!
I like your campfire analogy.

I'm rereading a great book right now called Dangerous Wonder by Mike Yaconelli. Easy read but very challenging about living in dangerous proximity to Jesus and what that means and the implications for our lives.
Actually the mini sermon I did on VBS Sunday last year about dancing was based on it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Helen: I enjoyed your blog on your Quebec trip tremendously and would like you to know that your presence here didn't just have an impact on you,but you also left an impact here in Quebec among those you encouraged!
Dave D.