Friday, December 26, 2008

My Family's Stress-Free Christmas

It is December 26. I have just had a most wonderful Christmas with my two sons and daughter-in-law. A few years ago we decided to forgo the whole present thing, and just get together to enjoy each other's company. It is amazing how stress-free our Christmas has become without the hassle of the gift-giving frenzy enforced by our commercial world.

This year we decided to modify the traditional menu. We waived, or should I say waved goodbye to the turkey, which usually ends up leaving one tired and bloated. My second son, who loves to cook, turned a rump roast into veritable feast. Number one, added his amazing potatoes, and I the vegetables and dessert. We feasted well. We played games and laughed until the tears rolled down our cheeks. Add a couple of good movies into the mix, and you come up with...a perfect Christmas, at least for us.

This morning I saw my eldest and his wife off on the train, back to their student life in Toronto. My youngest was hanging out with his friends here in town. I tidied up a bit, strolled through town, and went to visit a friend who had recently had hip surgery.

I am relaxed, happy, ready to get back to work...and thankful for a blessed Christmas with those I love.