Saturday, August 15, 2009

Shadows or Light?

This morning on my walk I was captured by shadows. Intricate patterns tossed like quilts on the ground casting beauty on pavement as much as on the clean cropped lawn of my neighour.

Life has its moments of shadow...layoffs, illness, accidents, death. Is there a way to look at these life events and see the light creating patterns on the dark, rather than focussing on the darkness obscuring the light?

This is the walk my pastor's family treds right now. As Ben is getting weaker, they are choosing to focus on life. In the words of his mom, they brought him home to live, not to die. Instead of existing in the hospital, they are living together at home. What an inspiration they are to us all...a lesson on facing life's challenges focussing on the light.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Black Swan Lament

Still and peaceful glides the swan
Through evening waters;
Gentle ripples betray his path
As dark, he steals to find his rest.
Yes, dark,
Not only in his plummage...

He holds my sorrow,
The pain of one well loved
Who wastes away
As evening light
Fades into night.
Death comes to steal
The brave and true
Who should go on.
But life's caught short.
He's gone.

Well, not gone yet,
But rather on the journey of a lifetime;
A path we all must take
But he, too soon.
Nineteen...too young,
Too young to go
And leave us here.

I lay my sadness
On this stately bird.
He carries my grief,
My anger too,
The why that has no answer.
I watch him disappear around a bend.
Will sorrow go like that?
As ripples dissipate
And mirrored form returns,
Will life proceed
As if he never had been here?

reflecting on the imminent death of Ben Elliott, my pastor's son
and praying that God will intervene even yet.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

thoughts on Psalm 9

Psalm 9
For the director of music. A psalm of David.

1.I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonders.
2.I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

This Psalm convicts me.

Yes, I think of church, in my devotional times, when I am reflecting on my day before I go to sleep, and I feel grateful for my life and all His provisions. But do I praise him with ALL my heart?

My mind travels to my situation at work. Do I use every opportunity to tell of His wonders, to share what I know of Him? To be perfectly honest, the answer in “No!” I like to think that I am displaying Jesus to those around me. I live according to Christian moral standards. I go to church. They must know. Right?

Hmmm. I wonder how many of those outside my circle of Christian friends know about my personal relationship with Christ, about the ways I have seen him work in my life, about the freedom and peace I have gained through coming to know Him. If I am totally honest, probably NONE of them. I haven't told them and thinking they are somehow going to catch it by osmosis, is just wishful thinking.

I want to be like David, openly sharing all His wonders, rejoicing and praising His name.

God, make yourself real enough to me that praise will just bubble out of me. Help me to be conscious of you in all I do and to share you willingly and with an enthusiasm that allows me to sing with David, “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart. I will tell of all your wonders”

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Creative Cleansing of my Chaotic Clutter

Yesterday I added another blog on blogspot. You can get to it via I am working on trying to get this blog linked up with that site under my name. This will be a practical and hopefully somewhat humourous blog following my 35 day commitment to declutter my life in a creative way. Please join me there and pass the site along to friends who share my aversion to housework or to those who like myself have had their homes invaded by the clutter monster. Here's to a creative cleansing!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Vehicular Dilemma

"Quit looking at your difficulties as obstacles that are going to hold you back and start looking at them as opportunities that are going to push you forward into the life of victory He has in store for you!"

When I read this quote this morning in an email devotional that I get from Joel Osteen, it jumped off the page at me. I am facing a dilemma right now and this was a good word to my spirit.

My car, who has served me well over the past 12 years, is on her deathbed. I could pour more money into her, but would I just be prolonging the agony. She was a God car, provided for our needs; one of those times where God gives you not only what you need, but your heart's desire. I had always wanted a red car, and this one was not only red, but very sporty looking. I'm sure there was not a speck of rust that showed up on her for at least ten years! We used to stand in amazement as we saw other younger vehicles succomb to the usual deterioration that occurs during Canadian winters. But as I say, she is now tired and like me her parts are not working as well as they used to.

Hence my situation. Living on a pension, I don't have a lot of loose cash waiting to be spent. Who does, these days? I was offered a car for free...”Just get it safetied.” Wow! Thank you, God! But when I took it to my mechanic to see what he thought, he advised against it, telling me I would be walking into the same situation that I already have with my sporty red...a hole in the pocket, so to speak.

An unexpected lead turned up another car, in excellent condition; the problem being the amount needed to pay for it. I have been praying and reading and thinking. And then Joel turned up this morning!

I can look at this in a number of ways, but even focussing on the fact that it could be an “opportunity to push me forward”, the question remains: In what direction do I need to be pushed? If I need a car, (which my mind and society seems to dictate that I do), this one I have just seen would certainly be ideal. But, do I need a car? Is this the opportunity to jump off the societal wheel and return to “Shank's pony”, supporting the taxi, bus and train business as needed? Environmentally that would certainly seem ideal. But realistically...? I am involved in some activities here in town, and have a number of ministries that require (or seem to require) transportation. Perhaps this is an opportunity to bite my financial bullet, and trust that as I keep serving Him, my God will provide. It is a classic case of which comes first, the cart or the horse, the need or the cash.

I am not sure what I will do. I have a pretty strong leaning, but along this faith walk there come moments such as this where it seems there is no clear answer. I don't want to miss an opportunity. I don't want to be ensnared by the ramifications of a wrong decision.

Obstacle? Opportunity? God knows.

I just hope he'll tell me!